Here at Healthmonix, we’re always looking for ways to make it easier for our customers to navigate complicated Medicare reporting requirements and optimize their Quality outcomes. In the spirit of that mission, I am pleased to announce the following new and upcoming improvements to our MIPSPRO reporting system, which enable our customers to make even better use of the data they already have and provide a more seamless, less burdensome reporting experience.
Map With More Code Types
For the most commonly reported Quality measures, we have expanded the list of code types accepted by MIPSPRO to include the following:
SNOMEDLOINCICD 9ICD 10RxNorm (drug codes)NDC (drug codes)HCPCSCPTCPT Category IICVX (vaccination codes)
This change allows you additional freedom and facility to pull together all of your data, especially when that data is being pulled from multiple systems. These codes have been mapped for over 55 of the most popular measures in our system, with new measures being added to that list every day.
For example, measure 110 asks for documentation of influenza immunization, which could previously only have been answered affirmatively by CPT-2 code G8482: “Influenza immunization administered or previously received.” Now, thanks to this update, our users can receive credit for this question by instead inputting any code from these alternative coding systems which would indicate influenza immunization.
Input Vitals
In addition to our expanded list of accepted code types, we are now able to accept direct entry of the following vitals data that is used in some measures:
A1CBMIBP (Systolic / Diastolic)Height / Weight
We are also working toward accepting data from GAD7 and PHQ9 surveys.
Plain English Expressions
Now you can also communicate with MIPSPRO in plain English! Our measure status upload functionality will soon provide users with the ability to “tell” MIPSPRO the outcome of a measure for a visit using an English code, such as “Met”, “Not Met”, or “Exception”. Plain English expressions can be used in either spreadsheet or manual entry situations. Our next post will cover this exciting new feature and its implications in greater detail.
With these new and upcoming improvements, your organization is even further enabled to aggregate multiple data sources for an expanded view of patient and business operations. If you are interested in finding out more about MIPSPRO, talk to a member of our quality reporting team today.