As we prepare for the final months of 2022, are you prepared to be successful in the Promoting Interoperability (PI) performance category for the 2022 reporting year? Merit-based Incentive payment System (MIPS) experts know that PI data must be reported for any consecutive 90-day period throughout the year. October 3rd begins the last 90 days of the calendar year, and Healthmonix wants to make sure you are positioned for success. This blog will give an overview of the performance category and offer some helpful tips about how to proceed.
PI measures promote patient engagement and electronic exchange of information using certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT). In 2022, PI is worth 25% of the total MIPS score. Measures for this category are organized under four objectives. They are:
- ePrescribing
- Health Information Exchange
- Provider to Patient Exchange
- Public Health and Clinical Data Exchange
What to do in the last 90 days of MIPS:
As we move through the last 90 days of the year, we want to ensure you are prepared to succeed in the PI performance category. Here is what you need to do now:
- Ensure that your EMR is 2015 CEHRT
- Determine what measures you are required to report on
- Confirm that you have completed a Security Risk Analysis. If you have not, it can be completed within the last 90 days
Not sure you can meet PI requirements?
Some clinicians may be unable to meet the requirements for each PI measure. Rather than filing for an exemption for the entire performance category, we encourage practices to claim an exclusion for individual measures. This way, you are still eligible to receive a score in the PI category. While it becomes more difficult to score well in the Quality performance category, PI is an opportunity to gain points elsewhere. If a provider or group meets the criteria to claim an exclusion, the points from that measure are reweighted to another objective within the performance category. Claiming an exclusion for a specific measure rather than the entire performance category will be a strategic move in 2022 and beyond.
Changes for 2023
It is never too early to begin preparing for the upcoming MIPS performance period, and Healthmonix has broken down the 2023 PFS Proposed Rule to anticipate what changes will be in place for 2023.
Be prepared for the following changes in 2023:
- The “Query of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program” will be a required measure under the ePrescibing Objective
- Nurse practitioners, physicians assistants, CRNA’s, clinical nurse specialists
- Public Health and Clinical Data Exchange Objective will be worth 25 points rather than 10
- Health Information Exchange Objective will be worth 30 points rather than 40
*These changes are only proposed and are still subject to change by CMS prior to the release of the 2023 PFS Final Rule.
If you have questions about PI measures or best options to report them through MIPSpro®, contact us today.