Clients may consider options outside of their EHR to report MIPS for a number of reasons. They may want to combine Quality data from multiple EHRs, or report on measures only supported by registries. They may need to report for a practice that is transitioning to a new EHR.
Healthmonix has worked with clients using over 200 different EHRs to successfully report for MIPS through MIPSPRO, and in that time we’ve identified a few steps that EHRs can take right now to help keep their clients satisfied and stress-free when it comes to external MIPS reporting.
Optimize workflows for measures that are most meaningful for clients.
While this may only be an option for a small set of measures, it will help give a clear pathway for appropriate documentation. For specialty-specific EHRs, specialty can be a good indicator of which measures might be most meaningful. This is a less useful indicator for multi-specialty EHRs, though, since they are broader in scope.
When choosing measure workflows to optimize, it’s important to include the option for an outcome measure, as well as measures that are highly reported.
Identify what codes are captured in readily available reports.
Many EHRs we interact with have data reports that clients can export that are free of charge and available to receive without much effort. Often these exports will have demographic information needed to report for MIPS but will be missing the critical codes that determine measure eligibility. While it’s unlikely that an EHR will capture performance codes for measures that are not relevant to the majority of their clients, making sure there is a known process for receiving data points to determine measure eligibility is a big step that can still save clients valuable time and effort.
Set clear expectations with data exports.
When using information captured within their EHR to report through another data submission mechanism, one of the biggest challenges practices face is the availability of data exports. Many believe that because a MIPS report can be generated from their EHR, they will be able to use that data to successfully report for MIPS. If an EHR’s MIPS exports do not include patient level information, though, there may be fewer data submission options available for them to report through.
Qualified registries, like MIPSPRO, are required to receive patient level data and calculate performance against Quality measures before submission to CMS. This is the case even if an EHR is able to provide performance feedback directly to a practice.
Partner with a dedicated MIPS reporting solution.
Technology alone isn’t enough to support MIPS reporting. Staying up to date with policy changes, selecting quality measures appropriate for unique user situations, and interpreting requirements are hidden necessities for a valuable data submission vendor.
MIPSPRO partners benefit from our expert in-house support team, and as a registry we’re flexible enough to meet the needs of different client types. We’re able to receive data in multiple formats and from multiple sources, and we have over ten years of experience and an unparalleled 99% reporting success rate. That’s what puts our partners ahead of the competition and keeps clients coming back.
Taking any or all of these steps now can keep your clients satisfied and minimize their stress throughout the process of MIPS reporting, even when their needs include an external reporting mechanism. If you have questions about partnership options, schedule time with me here or reach out directly via email (pspence@healthmonix.com) or by phone (888-720-4100 x21).