Living squarely in Eagles territory with the big game less than a week away, I've noticed several correlations between the journey to becoming a winning football team and the implementation of a winning value-based care strategy. A successful transition to VBC requires time, deliberation, and dedication to improving quality outcomes. Sharing a vision isn't enough. There must be a greater commitment by the whole team to do what is necessary to achieve greatness. Nothing good ever comes easily, so the key to winning is to keep your eye on the prize. Here are just a few pro-tips for paving your way to victory:
4 Ways Football Can Inspire Your Value-Based Healthcare Strategy
Hospital readmissions can be bad news for patients, but they can also be bad news for a hospital’s bottom line. Readmissions cost $41.3 billion overall, a majority of which—about $26 billion annually—is paid by Medicare. Moreover, as much as $17 billion of Medicare-paid readmissions are considered to be avoidable.
Topics: PRO Tips, Hospitals & Health Systems, VBC
Yes, it may be that important. My prediction is that practices, networks, and health systems will start to pay more attention to MIPS scores during the process of hiring new clinicians. In fact, at Healthmonix we have already been asked about this several times in 2017.
But why would they care? If a clinician moves to a new practice, wouldn’t they receive the score, and adjustment, for that new practice? Unfortunately for clinicians looking to start fresh, the answer is no.
Topics: PRO Tips, MACRA & MIPS, Physician Compare, Industry insights
In late October, CMS launched a new initiative, Patients Over Paperwork, targeted to reduce unproductive regulatory burdens on health care providers and increase efficiency. CMS Administrator Seema Verma announced the initiative during a stakeholder meeting with more than 30 industry groups.
The initiative is potentially wide reaching, affecting a broad range of regulations surrounding practices such as prior authorizations, documentation of evaluation and management codes, OIG audits, and EHR requirements.
According to Verma, this has already touched the QPP final rule for 2018. As an outcome of this initiative, the QPP final rule includes policies that exclude individual MIPS eligible clinicians with less than or equal to $90,000 in Part B allowed charges or less than or equal to 200 Part B beneficiaries.
Topics: CMS
Depending on your performance and your desire to maximize your reimbursement in 2019 (who doesn’t want more revenue?), there are a number of options available in final submission of your MIPS data to CMS. All of these choices can seem overwhelming, but Healthmonix is here to help! Read on to find out what choices you'll face and how to make the best ones for your practice.
Topics: PRO Tips, MACRA & MIPS, Policy
On October 30, CMS Administrator Seema Verma announced the Meaningful Measures initiative, which is intended to streamline quality reporting. This initiative is meant to address common criticisms of today’s performance measures, including their excessive focus on evaluating processes and the lack of alignment between programs. According to Verma, “Meaningful Measures will involve only assessing those core issues that are the most vital to providing high-quality care and improving patient outcomes.”
Topics: CMS
How Your MIPS Score Will Follow You (Even If You Leave Your Practice)
Topics: PRO Tips, MACRA & MIPS, Physician Compare, Policy
What The Individual Mandate Repeal Means For Your Premiums
Today the president signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, a bill which will have far-reaching implications for tax reform, into law. But the legislation may also affect the health insurance market through its elimination of the ACA individual mandate. In this week’s blog we look in-depth at what the repeal of the individual mandate entails, as well as its potential effect on the insurance marketplace.
Topics: Policy
This One Major Disconnect May Devastate Hopes of MIPS Reporting Success
Considering that the CMS Quality Payment Program can generate payment adjustments of up to 22% of Medicare Part B FFS reimbursements, it’s no wonder that many providers and health systems hope to maximize these incentives. But navigating complex Medicare requirements can be near impossible without the right tools.
Topics: PRO Tips, MACRA & MIPS, EHR
With the first performance year of the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) drawing to a close, you may have just started getting accustomed to how MIPS reporting works. Although the 2018 MACRA final rule introduced changes to how MIPS performance data should be captured for the upcoming performance year, it may be a relief to hear that largely the changes just build upon the existing 2017 regulations.
Topics: MACRA & MIPS, Policy, Quality Performance Category, ACI Performance Category, IA Performance Category, Cost Performance Category