Healthmonix Advisor

Introducing the new Healthmonix: Redefining healthcare solutions

The end of leniency: Preparing for QPP and MIPS participation in 2024

2024 quality measure selection and scoring: A critical turn for MIPS participants

Elevating healthcare excellence: Healthmonix achieves HITRUST certification

Healthmonix's journey to a new look and expanded focus on value-based care

Further thoughts on the 2024 Final Rule and the Quality Payment Program

7 initial takeaways from the 2024 PFS Final Rule

Medicare Shared Savings Program announces savings and quality results for 2022

Overcoming Challenges in Patient Matching and Deduplication  for ACO Quality Reporting

The MIPS Cost category’s impact on orthopedic groups

Hospitals are seeing the impact of the MIPS Cost Category for 2024 reimbursements.

CMS releases final 2022 MIPS performance scores and 2024 incentives

What is a Medicare CQM? The new proposed quality reporting option for MSSP participants.

MIPS Cost category impacts oncology practice scores in 2022

Unraveling the Cost category’s impact on MIPS provider scores

Surprises in store: Uncovering the Cost category’s unexpected impact on MIPS scores

How using a MIPS Reporting Registry boosts revenue potential for billing companies

Insights from NAACOS 2023 Spring Conference: navigating challenges and succeeding in eCQM reporting

Improving Patient Outcomes: Exploring New CMS measures for Dermatology, Health Equity, Kidney Health, and More

Getting started with MIPS 2023 reporting for large practices

MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs) continue to evolve

CMS's proposed Universal Foundation of quality measures: What is it and how will it change my MIPS/APM reporting?

Getting Started With MIPS 2023 Reporting For Small Practices

Implementing MIPS Value Pathways Reporting In Your Practice

Impact of New Health Equity Adjustment on ACO Quality Reporting

Impact of Melanoma Resection Cost Measure On Dermatologists

QPP / MIPS Reporting in 2023 - More Options, But More Challenging

2023 PFS Final Rule: All-Payer Quality Reporting is Here

Promoting Interoperability in 2022 – What to do in the last 90 days

Will EHRs Implement the 2015 Edition Cures Update By the Deadline?

Insights from the NAACOS Fall Conference On eCQM/MIPS CQM Reporting

Health Equity Scoring to Push ACOs to Begin eCQM/MIPS CQM reporting in 2023

MIPS As An On-Ramp to Value-Based Care

Why You'll Be in For a MIPS Shock - No More Bonus Points or Loopholes

This Could Be Your First Year to Receive a MIPS Penalty. Here's Why.

Key Takeaways from the NAACOS 2021 Fall Conference

New Challenges Brought on by Changes to MIPS Threshold & Performance Categories

MIPS Disappointed, But It All Changes in 2021

Registry Impact on Shared Savings in the APM Performance Pathway (APP)

MIPS - How Many Options Do I Have?

MVPs - Will they replace 'traditional' MIPS?

MIPS 2021 Incentives and Penalties | How Can You Prepare?

The 2021 Final Rule: New Programs, Higher Standards and COVID-19

Maximizing ROI on Primary Care First Participation

Will 2021 MIPS Finally Bring Significant Financial ROI for Providers?

What to Do in the Last 90 Days of MIPS 2020

Key Takeaways on the 2021 Proposed Rule

2020 MIPS Reporting Period – Did it Get Cut in Half?

No CMS Updates on COVID-19's Impact on MIPS reporting - What it means

The Increasing Importance of the MIPS Cost Performance Category

How will the QPP MIPS program be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic?

MIPS 2020 – Why and how to get started

Reopening Your Medical Practice with Confidence

The Importance of Strategic Health IT Partnerships During COVID-19

Practice Sustainability in the time of COVID-19

CMS relaxes more rules around telehealth, allowing healthcare across state lines

Quality Payment Program COVID-19 Response - Update April 6


The CARES Act - March 27, 2020

Why MIPS 2020 Will Be More Difficult Than Keeping a New Year’s Resolution

Last Minute Hacks for Small Group MIPS 2019 Reporting

Diving into the 2020 MIPS Final Rule - Game On!

Healthmonix Announces Partnership Agreement with ChartSpan

Are You An Only?

MIPS 2020 – the good, the bad, and the ugly

Top Takeaways From The MGMA Annual Conference

Reporting MIPS as Individuals or as a Group: Why Not Both?

MIPS: It's Time For Your Practice To Level Up.

MIPS 2019 Free Resource Round-Up

Healthmonix Achieves Quasi-QE status, Adds Functionality to Address Cost

MIPS Scores Impact More Than Medicare Revenue

MIPS Hacking for Psychologists: Turbo-boost your ROI With This One Simple Trick.

A Summary of the 2020 MIPS Proposed Rule

MIPS Hacking: Why the MIPS Opt-In Policy Could Seriously Boost Your Bottom Line.

Everything You Need To Know About MIPS Cost in 2019

Counterpoint: The Perils of Blockchain

Point: The Promise of Blockchain

Three Reasons MACRA and MIPS Are Here To Stay

Everything You Need To Know About MIPS Improvement Activities In 2019

Everything You Need To Know About MIPS Quality in 2019 Part 2: Scoring

Everything You Need To Know About MIPS PI In 2019

Everything You Need To Know About MIPS Quality in 2019: Reporting Requirements (1/2)

ACOs Leave MSSP After "Pathways To Success"

Streamlining MIPS Reporting When Using Data from Multiple Sources

New CMS Toolkit: 5 Care Coordination Strategies For ACO Success

CMS To Launch New Payment Models For Value-Based Transformation

3 Points To Consider As You Plan Your 2019 MIPS Reporting Strategy

Breaking: CMS Measure Change May Affect ACO Shared Savings

CMS Announces $1M Artificial Intelligence (AI) Health Outcomes Challenge

MIPS Participation Reaches 95%; Other Insights from Year One of the QPP

MIPS Hacking: Report as a Group to Maximize ROI

Seven Exceptions to the Information Blocking Provision

How To Get Free Help With MIPS And The QPP

Insights From HIMSS 2019: The State of The Industry

MIPS Final Score Calculation in 2019: What You Need To Know

The QPP Year 3 Change That May Hugely Impact RCM Companies

Dr. Anand Shah - The New CMS Senior Medical Advisor for Innovation

Your One-Stop Guide To Understanding QP and Partial QP Determinations in 2019

Have You Heard Of Patient Relationship Codes? They May Soon Impact Your Bottom Line.

Disillusioned About MIPS Incentives? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Be.

Everything You Need To Know About MIPS Facility-Based Quality and Cost Performance Categories

The Talk of 2019: Data Analytics and Interoperability

Three Steps Organizations Can Take to Foster a Patient-Centric Experience

To Do: Check Your MIPS Eligibility Status, Preview Your QPP Data.

2018 MIPS Hacking: Avoiding the Penalty as a Small Practice

Chance Breakfast Dr. Barbara McAneny, President of the AMA

PCOC 2018: Top Takeaways

CMS Backs Renewed Bundled Payment Efforts

How To Start With MIPS (If You've Been Avoiding It)

2019 QPP Final Rule Now Available

Lawmakers Push Back on Proposed Changes to MSSP

How To Improve EHR User Experience

Specialists: The Secret Key to CMS Success

The Problem of Patient Matching: New Pew Report Details Recommendations

Net Health Partners with Healthmonix to Provide Streamlined MIPS Reporting for Wound Care Providers

You Should Care About MIPS. Here's Why.

CMS Admits to MIPS Scoring Errors, Extends Deadline

4 Things Clinicians Should Consider When It Comes To 2015 CEHRT

9 Tips for Getting the Most out of Your Next Conference

Analysis Shows MSSP ACOs Saved Twice As Much As CMS Reported

5 Ways to get Your Staff to Buy-In to MIPS

"Pathways to Success": ACOs Now And In The Future

The Small Change To E&M Charges That Could Hugely Impact Your Reimbursement

CMS Proposes New Changes to ACOs Under MSSP

How To Achieve MIPS Success (Despite a Mid-year EHR Switch)

It's All About the Data: Optum Forum 2018

Value-Based Care: Stalled But Here To Stay

How to Comment on the 2019 Proposed Rule

CMS Has Released MIPS Feedback Reports: What To Do Next

A Summary of the 2019 MIPS Proposed Rule: Part 3

A Summary of the 2019 MIPS Proposed Rule: Part 2

A Summary of the 2019 MIPS Proposed Rule: Part 1

Wait Time: The Secret Saboteur of Patient Satisfaction

What EHRs Can Do Now to Save Clients Time And Stress Later

Hospital at Home: High Quality Care Outside of the Hospital

Coming Soon to MIPSPRO: Plain English Mapping

What I Learned Working With a MIPS Registry (And What You Need to Know, Too)

Announcement: New and Upcoming MIPSPRO Features

Primaris Partners with Healthmonix to Provide MIPS and ACO Reporting Solutions

How To Avoid the 5% MIPS Penalty This Year

How to Hit the 60% Reporting Rate for MIPS Quality

Everything You Need To Know About QCDRs

The Philadelphia Take Steps Walk: How Health Systems can make a Difference to Patients and Families

How to Report MIPS as a Multi-Specialty Practice

Nail Your 2018 QPP Reporting with the Help of our MACRA Specialists

Not All Data Is Created Equal

CMS Proposes Overhauling Meaningful Use: 4 Important Takeaways

Registry VS EHR Reporting: Your Optimal Strategy For MIPS Year 2

Slick MIPS Tricks to Consider in 2018

Why Mental and Behavioral Health Clinicians Should Still Report MIPS in 2018

Three Simple Questions That Will Help You Manage Increased MIPS Requirements in 2018

The State of Healthcare and the Agents of Change

Revenue Cycle Management: A Key To Success in MIPS, MACRA, and VBC

One Important Takeaway From HIMSS 2018

How The 2018 Congressional Spending Bill Affects MACRA

Value-Based Care: Why You Should Go for the Gold!

Interested in providing feedback to CMS about the burden that MIPS places on your practice?

Improvement Provision for Quality and Cost Measures

The Case For Reporting More Than The Minimum

4 Ways Football Can Inspire Your Value-Based Healthcare Strategy

4 Tips To Reduce Hospital Readmission Rates

New Interview Question: "What’s Your MIPS Score?"

CMS Launches 'Patients Over Paperwork' Initiative

The Many MIPS Submission Choices: A Guide for 2017

CMS Launches 'Meaningful Measures' Initiative

How Your MIPS Score Will Follow You (Even If You Leave Your Practice)

What The Individual Mandate Repeal Means For Your Premiums

This One Major Disconnect May Devastate Hopes of MIPS Reporting Success

MIPS Performance Categories in 2018

2018 MACRA Final Rule Released

3 Key Takeaways from the 2017 MACRA Summit

Proposed Changes to Bundled Payment Initiatives

Unleashing the Potential of Value Based Care

How to Report MIPS in 90 Days

MIPS Training Resources

4 Reasons to Choose Your Improvement Activities Today

Data Completeness for MIPS Quality Measures [Infographic]

A Guide to Choosing Quality Measures (Part 2)

A Guide to Choosing Quality Measures (Part 1)

A Brief Overview of MIPS Quality Measures

Three Ways to Check Your MIPS Participation Eligibility Status

The Ongoing Saga of Trumpcare

How To Survive Year One of MIPS

What You Need To Know About Physician Compare

Updates on TrumpCare 2.0

2018 MIPS Proposed Rule: Performance Category Updates

2018 MIPS Proposed Rule: Changes from 2017

A Summary of the 2018 MIPS Proposed Rule

Reporting MIPS Via Registry VS Reporting Via EHR

Experiences in Transitioning from PQRS to MIPS

Selecting and Scoring MIPS Improvement Activities

The Absolute Minimum Required for MIPS Success

How to Report MIPS as a Group

CMS Releases Additional Tools for MIPS

Trumpcare 2.0 Passes Through the House of Representatives

Roadmap to Improvement Activities

Roadmap to Reporting Advancing Care Information

Roadmap to Reporting MIPS Quality Measures

The AHCA is DOA. What's next for Obamacare?

MIPSPRO by Healthmonix Awarded 2017 Qualified MIPS Registry Status by CMS