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The Four Performance Categories of MIPS: PQRS in Sheep's Clothing

Posted by Lauren Patrick on August 4, 2016

As a young adult from a small town in Ohio, the prospect of leaving my hometown to go to college was a frightening one. I was anxious to leave the familiarity of my high school, and the routine I had perfected to remain an A student. The only expectation that I had was given to me by my teachers, who reported that college would be significantly different and more challenging than high school. As I packed up my ‘63 International Scout to drive to college in August of 1975, the fear of failure was present and strong. However, when I arrived, I found the classes were similar, the pedagogical approach was the same, and as long as I showed up and did the work, I could do as well as I did in high school.

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Topics: PQRS, MACRA & MIPS, Policy, Quality Performance Category, ACI Performance Category, IA Performance Category, Cost Performance Category