Healthmonix Advisor

Hospitals are seeing the impact of the MIPS Cost Category for 2024 reimbursements.

Posted by Lauren Patrick on September 7, 2023

With 2022 MIPS final scores available, hospitals and health systems have seen the Cost category produce a major impact on their overall MIPS scores.  

Before CMS added the Cost category to 2022 MIPS scores, hospitals had little insight into how it would impact MIPS scores. With scores out, we see that many hospitals and health systems were scored on over 10 Cost category measures. That’s a large amount of data to sift through and analyze.


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Topics: MACRA & MIPS, MIPS CQMs, MIPS Reporting

CMS releases final 2022 MIPS performance scores and 2024 incentives

Posted by Savannah Vasquez on August 24, 2023

Are you ready to jump back into the MIPS program?   

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have released Final Performance Feedback for the 2022 Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) performance period. We are seeing record maximum incentives of 8.25% for providers who achieved top scores.   

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Topics: MACRA & MIPS, MIPS CQMs, MIPS Reporting

What is a Medicare CQM? The new proposed quality reporting option for MSSP participants.

Posted by Lauren Patrick on August 17, 2023

In the 2024 Proposed PFS Rule released in July 2023, CMS outlined a new option for MSSP participants to report quality measures called the Medicare CQM option. CMS created this reporting option to address concerns raised by ACOs and others, while still transitioning ACOs toward digital quality measure reporting. 

Read on to learn more about the new proposed option for MSSP participants. 

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Topics: MACRA & MIPS, MIPS CQMs, MIPS Reporting

MIPS Cost category impacts oncology practice scores in 2022

Posted by Lauren Patrick on August 10, 2023

With 2022 MIPS preliminary scores available, oncology practices are increasingly seeing how the Cost category negatively affects their overall MIPS scores.  

Before CMS added the Cost category to 2022 MIPS scores, research hinted that oncology and other specialties with higher healthcare costs might face more adverse effects than other specialties. Numerous oncology practices opted for an Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances (EUC) exemption for the Cost category in 2022, mitigating the impact of cost measures on them.  

Read on to learn more about how MIPS Cost scores are affecting Oncology practices.

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Topics: MACRA & MIPS, MIPS Reporting, MIPS Cost

Unraveling the Cost category’s impact on MIPS provider scores

Posted by Lauren Patrick on August 3, 2023

Discover the game-changing impact of the 2022 MIPS Final Score Preview period as we delve into the long-awaited return of Cost category scores after 3 years. The implications for providers' total MIPS scores are profound, and we have the insights you need to navigate this transformative shift.

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Topics: MIPS Reporting

Surprises in store: Uncovering the Cost category’s unexpected impact on MIPS scores

Posted by Lauren Patrick on July 21, 2023

Last week, CMS confirmed that 2022 MIPS scores for eligible providers will include the Cost performance category. Per CMS: 

“For the 2020 and 2021 performance periods, CMS reweighted the MIPS Cost performance category to 0% as a result of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE). For the 2022 performance period/2024 MIPS payment year (hereafter written as “2022 performance period”), CMS conducted an empirical analysis to assess whether any or all cost measures were continually impacted by the COVID-19 PHE and, if so, whether it would be appropriate for CMS to reweight the Cost performance category again under § 414.1380(c)(2) or to exclude any individual cost measures.  

Read on to learn more about how these changes may affect your MIPS participation and payment year.

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Topics: MIPS Reporting

How using a MIPS Reporting Registry boosts revenue potential for billing companies

Posted by Savannah Vasquez on July 10, 2023

In today's evolving healthcare landscape, accurate and efficient reporting is crucial for billing companies. However, the burden of Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) reporting can be overwhelming. 

That's where Healthmonix comes in. As a leading MIPS Reporting Registry, we specialize in partnering with billing companies to streamline and optimize their clients’ MIPS reporting. 

Let’s explore the numerous benefits of using a MIPS Reporting Registry like Healthmonix. Discover how our partnership can revolutionize billing operations, simplify MIPS reporting, and unlock new opportunities for success. 

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Topics: billing companies, MIPS Reporting

Insights from NAACOS 2023 Spring Conference: navigating challenges and succeeding in eCQM reporting

Posted by Steve Tyson on June 15, 2023

The Healthmonix team joined Accountable Care Organization (ACO) leaders throughout the country at the National Association of ACOs (NAACOS) Spring Conference at the beginning of May in Baltimore. There were many great discussions and presentations during the conference, but the hot button topic was eCQM / MIPS CQM reporting. The overwhelming sentiment from the conference is that eCQM reporting is a challenge that all ACOs are struggling with.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) provided strong language to ACOs saying that the timeline for mandatory eCQM / MIPS CQM reporting is not going to change.  CMS encouraged ACOs to use the program years of 2023 and 2024 for strategic preparation and building their infrastructure in advance of the mandatory transition in 2025

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Topics: ACO, Accountable Care Organization

Improving Patient Outcomes: Exploring New CMS measures for Dermatology, Health Equity, Kidney Health, and More

Posted by Tara Kalra on June 1, 2023

Quality measures are tools used to improve patient care in a standardized way. Each year, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) publishes new measures aimed at measuring identified gaps in care in the healthcare sector. 

As we dive into the world of quality measures and their crucial role in enhancing patient care you can also check out our webinar on MIPS Reporting where we give you strategies for measure selection and building better workflows for this years reporting. 

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Topics: Gaps in Care - New Quality Measures

Getting started with MIPS 2023 reporting for large practices

Posted by Savannah Vasquez on May 4, 2023

MIPS reporting can be a daunting task for large practices. With multiple providers, patients, and quality measures to consider, it's essential to have a clear plan for success. Read on for our expert tips, and check out our latest webinars for more information. 

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Topics: 2023 MIPS Reporting for Large Practices