In 2018, CMS is pushing even harder for the shift toward value based care. The minimum MIPS reporting score has increased from 3/100 to 15/100, and failing to report results in an automatic 5% reimbursement penalty. But if your practice or organization isn’t in a position to invest the kind of time, money, and resources that it takes to really go all in on VBC, you might be wondering: “what’s the minimum I can do to avoid the penalty?”
There is no one answer to this question, but the good news is that your practice has several options for how to report to earn a score of at least 15/100.
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PRO Tips,
For many practices, one of the biggest differences between MIPS reporting for 2017 and 2018 is the amount of information that needs to be reported to achieve a high score. Gone is the test option that allowed clinicians to simply report on 90 days worth of patient visit information for the Quality performance category—now clinicians need to report on 60% of eligible patient visits per measure for all payers. This is typically a phrase I repeat a few times when discussing MIPS with practices who reported minimally for 2017.
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PRO Tips,
Quality Performance Category
As we make our way through year two of the Quality Payment Program (QPP), it’s clearer than ever that simply reporting quality data is no longer enough. CMS penalties and incentives reach 5% in 2018, and in future years payment adjustments will continue to increase along with the percentage of patients you will be required to report on. Meeting quality standards and cutting costs are also increasingly important as measures are assessed against benchmarks and peers. Choosing the best reporting method for your practice is therefore an increasingly important step toward reporting efficiency and ultimately reporting success.
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Administrative Burden
This past Sunday, I was fortunate enough to attend the Philadelphia Take Steps Walk. Sponsored by the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation and organized by members of the local community, this event raised $388,000 to fight inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Hundred of patients, providers, and organizations met at Citizen’s Bank Park here in Philadelphia to enjoy an educational festival, celebrate loved ones fighting IBD, and walk through the stadium and field as a show of solidarity to anyone suffering from these diseases.
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Hospitals & Health Systems
We get a lot of questions from multi-specialty practices about how to get started with MIPS reporting. Measure selection can be confusing, and there are many common misconceptions, such as the assumption that different specialties cannot report together. Reporting MIPS can even seem entirely hopeless, due to the size, services, and systems used by your practice. That’s why this week we’re sharing our advice about the most significant steps your multi-specialty practice can take to set itself up for MIPS success!
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PRO Tips,
Over the past year, we tracked over 11 million patients with over 2 BILLION quality actions in MIPS reporting alone! We are already back to work and developing some really cool new analytic solutions to help our clients optimize their Quality outcomes.
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In an environment of ever-increasing demands for information, healthcare providers must ask more, document more and learn more about their patients. With more information comes more insight; this is evident as some of the hottest topics for healthcare IT include Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and patient data analytics. But to get to the point where patient data can successfully be used to identify care gaps and provide predictive insights, the information must be documented correctly.
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PRO Tips,
Health IT,
On Tuesday April 24th, CMS released a proposed rule which essentially overhauls the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record Incentive Programs (also known as the “Meaningful Use” program). The proposed rule includes updates to Medicare payment policies and rates under the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) and the Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH) Prospective Payment System (PPS). Here are five things you should know about the proposed changes:
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ACI Performance Category,
PI Performance Category
Hospital executives have to make tough decisions during the shift to value based care, especially when it comes to software. What systems are worth investing in, and how can you ensure your hospital is getting the most out of its money? In MIPS reporting, for example, it can feel like an impossible task to weigh the pros and cons of reporting via EHR or working with a registry.
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PRO Tips,
As the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) become more complex, clinicians will be looking for answers to their reporting questions. Consultants, billers, and technology vendors often face the brunt of those questions, but don’t feel best-suited to answer them. After spending most waking hours assisting with last-minute MIPS submissions last month, I wanted to disclose a few quick tips for you to share with anyone looking to report.
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PRO Tips,