Healthmonix Advisor

10 PRO Tips for Conquering the Quality Performance Category of MIPS (Part 2)

Posted by Lauren Patrick on September 15, 2016

Last week, we introduced some of the core concepts of the MIPS Quality Performance Category. This week, we are going to elaborate on these premises with Part 2 of our "10 PRO tips for Conquering the Quality Performance Category of MIPS."

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Topics: PRO Tips, PQRS, MACRA & MIPS, Quality Performance Category

CMS Announces Pacing Options for MIPS in 2017

Posted by Christina Zink on September 13, 2016
ALERT: This post was published before the release of the MACRA final rule on 10/14/2016. Please view our finalized summary of the Pacing Options for MIPS for up to date regulations.

The proposed rule for the implementation of MACRA and its underlying Quality Payment Program has inspired many clinicians to voice their opinions about how excessive reporting leads to a reduction in the quality of patient care, and how the rule disadvantages small and rural practices. Two months ago, in response to this feedback, Andy Slavitt announced to senate that there was a possibility of a MACRA delay, or some restructuring of the proposed rule to reduce the burden of compliance. On Thursday, September 8, CMS announced that providers will be able to choose the level and pace at which they will comply with MACRA.

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10 PRO Tips for Conquering the Quality Performance Category of MIPS (Part 1)

Posted by Lauren Patrick on September 8, 2016

Under the forthcoming Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) is being absorbed into the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). Specifically, PQRS will transition into one of the four Performance Categorys of MIPS, the Quality Performance Category.

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Topics: PRO Tips, MACRA & MIPS, Quality Performance Category

A New (Office) World : Healthmonix Olympics 2016

Posted by Lauren Patrick on September 2, 2016

The 2016 Healthmonix Office Olympics has concluded, and we wanted to share a piece of our culture and give you insight into what we do for fun.  

Over the course of two weeks, Health Monicas (as employees of Healthmonix begrudingly self-refer) competed in the following categories: Nerf Archery, Table Tennis, Rock’em Sock’em (robots), Foosball, Office Chair Rowing, and Trivia.  Teams were built to allow participants to interact cross-departmentally. The developers calculated as the sales people charisma-ed, teams were strong and the competition was feirce. 

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Topics: Healthmonix

5 Key Facts You Need to Know for Advancing Care Information (Part 2)

Posted by Lauren Patrick on September 1, 2016

Last week, we discussed what clinicians are eligible for MIPS, the base score for Advancing Care Information (ACI), and what the performance period is for ACI. This is part two of our "5 Key Facts You Need to Know for Advancing Care Information" series. 

Per the blog post last week, the proposed rule for MACRA's MIPS, effective January 1, 2017, the Meaningful Use electronic health records (EHR) incentive program will be folded into the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) for Eligible Providers. The successor to Meaningful Use, known as Advancing Care Information, includes fewer measures than the current program, intends to provide more flexibility in meeting those criteria, and stresses the use of technology to improve patient care.

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Topics: MACRA & MIPS, ACI Performance Category

5 Key Facts You Need to Know for Advancing Care Information (Part 1)

Posted by Lauren Patrick on August 25, 2016

Per the MACRA Quality Payment Final Rule, effective January 1, 2017,
the Electronic Health Records (EHR) Incentive Program (Meaningful Use) will be folded into the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) for Eligible Providers. The successor to Meaningful Use, known as Advancing Care Information, includes fewer measures than the current program (yeah!), intends to provide more flexibility in meeting those criteria, and stresses the use of technology to improve patient care. To help you maximize your performance in this category, we have compiled the top five things you need to know now to prepare for next year.

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Topics: MACRA & MIPS, Policy, ACI Performance Category

The Four Performance Categories of MIPS: PQRS in Sheep's Clothing

Posted by Lauren Patrick on August 4, 2016

As a young adult from a small town in Ohio, the prospect of leaving my hometown to go to college was a frightening one. I was anxious to leave the familiarity of my high school, and the routine I had perfected to remain an A student. The only expectation that I had was given to me by my teachers, who reported that college would be significantly different and more challenging than high school. As I packed up my ‘63 International Scout to drive to college in August of 1975, the fear of failure was present and strong. However, when I arrived, I found the classes were similar, the pedagogical approach was the same, and as long as I showed up and did the work, I could do as well as I did in high school.

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Topics: PQRS, MACRA & MIPS, Policy, Quality Performance Category, ACI Performance Category, IA Performance Category, Cost Performance Category

What impact does MIPS have on you?

Posted by Lauren Patrick on July 27, 2016

When I was in college, MIPS used to stand for “millions of instructions per second,” a measurement of how fast your computer performs. With MACRA on the horizon, MIPS now stands for "Merit-Based Incentive Payment System." While its aim is to measure value of care, MIPS is now a measurement of how fast your practice can accommodate pay-for-performance reimbursements. With MIPS fast approaching, preparing for the upcoming changes is critical.

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Topics: MACRA & MIPS, Eligibility

Learn How MACRA Will Inflate Your Revenue

Posted by Lauren Patrick on July 21, 2016
By 2018, the Department of Health and Human Services plans to have 90% of the Medicare FFS reimbursements involved in a value-based program.1 By 2020, a task force including private insurance giants like Aetna and Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC) has committed to converting 75% of their business to value-based incentive programs.2 Clearly, there is a demonstrable trend emerging that will be expensive to ignore.The leading program to pay attention to in this major industry shift towards value-based care is the Medicare and Chip Reauthorization Act (MACRA). This post is the first in a series focused on providing you with industry insights and updates that will help prepare you for MACRA and seize incentives now and in the future.
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Topics: PRO Tips, MACRA & MIPS, Eligibility, RCM